I know of no better way to gain clarity and acceptance around what’s really going on (not what I think is going on) in my life and relationships than to DANCE.

I dance when I’m confused about what to do next.
I dance when I’m stuck in a creativity rut and feel blocked in my expression.
I dance when I don’t feel sexually turned on and disconnected from my partner.
I dance when I’ve got a big social event coming up and I’m feeling nervous to meet lots of new people.
I dance when the least thing I feel like doing is fucking dancing.

Early in my dance journey I committed to dance for 1 hour every single day for 365 days. Daily, no matter what…and I hated it sometimes. Yet, it is was the most illuminating initiation of the feminine and freedom I’ve ever experienced.

But a daily dance practice doesn’t always look like a candlelit room, wearing lingerie, blissfully undulating and dancing for hours as you lose yourself in the moment.
Nope. Definitely not.

Daily practice can be defiantly putting down your phone, getting up in your work clothes even though your super tired and need a shower, and unwillingly committing to ‘just one song, that’s it!’ then swaying with your eyes closed and your attention turned inwards for 4mins with a grumpy face and then moving on to something else.

That is good practice. Consistency is good practice.

Dancing in the moments of most resistance is where the greatest transformation happens.

When you catch yourself about to open the fridge to emotionally eat and instead you drop into the feeling sense of your body and dance in the kitchen for 5mins.

Or you find yourself about to cancel plans with friends because you don’t feel ‘together enough’ and instead you stand up and shake yourself out.

Or mid reactively blaming your partner/children/parents for everything going wrong you wake up to the moment and do a little (or big) solo angry dance instead.

Physically moving our energy and emotions through dance allows us to perceive truths through the wisdom of our body, and releases the unconscious habits that cause us to stay contracted.

If we waited all our life to feel good, inspired and ready to do anything…I doubt anything meaningful would ever get done. Resistance and transformation go together. It is the inner tension of desire and repulsion that evolves us. In the union of opposites lies wisdom, beauty and power.

Dance with yourself every day.Move your body. Wake up your energy. Courageously let yourself feel all of it.

If you’re feeling not at all ready or sufficiently ‘together enough’ to come experience Shiva Shakti Dance and connect with feminine erotic energy but you dearly long to feel free in your body and sexuality, that is the perfect conditions to dive in.

Ready or not…! 🙂

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